August 27, 2022 all-day

Aguability Adaptive Swim for Special Needs in SpringfieldAttleboro, MA, August 27th, 2022, with the Attleboro Norton YMCA Norton Outdoor Center. Join an inclusive swim time dedicated to individuals and families with sensory needs.
* The program aims to provide for everyone to socialize and use the pool facilities with limited noise, distractions, and attendance.
* YMCA policy: An adult (18 or older) in swim attire must remain in the pool within arms reach of any children under the age of 7.
Free to members, $5.00 for Non-Members.
Reregistration is required to https://attleboroymca.org/sensory-friendly-swim/?fbclid=IwAR2qjguqpFFL2DjwT_pdOglWHkeKkeCTFBZ2sHcxveR0y9KmaecHDcQ2sHo  or contact Jen Maltese, Executive Director Norton Outdoor Center, jmaltese@attleboroymca.org

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