October 21, 2023 – December 16, 2023 all-day

Webinar Series, October 21st – December 16th, 2023, with Autism Housing Pathways of Winchester, MA. Learning About Housing is a 5 part Zoom series to help families determine housing options that might be appropriate for their family member.
Learning about housing (formerly the day long workshop) is a five part Zoom series in which families are guided through materials that will help them to determine what housing options might be appropriate for their family member.
It takes place on alternate Saturdays from 9:00 until noon.
* You must register for the full series; it cannot be broken down into individual parts. Worksheets will be emailed to participants before each session; slides will be emailed after each session to those who logged in.
Part 1 – Resources for housing;
Part 2 – Roadmap to housing (part 1): Assessing skills & supports, and applying for housing;
Part 3 – Roadmap to housing (part 2): Applying for benefits and services,building skills, and moving in;
Part 4 – Paying for housing: Developing assets, what you can afford, housing models, ownership models, and financing;
Part 5 – What does it look like? Location, design, construction, service providers,staff training, creating a vision, and next steps.
Fees apply, registration is required to www.eventbrite.com/e/learning-about-housing-tickets-258966474697?fbclid=IwAR3nWnlko5QZTnFAt8Lamm-DXNKEdsBBiYsAYH4TrlaNwk61XaeyMsfb5As or contact AHPhousing@comcast.net, 617-893-8217.
Hardship scholarships are available.


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