January 7, 2025 all-day

Webinar and Video Chat for Families with Disabilities in Massachusetts (3)Webinar, January 7th, 2025, with the Massachusetts Bureau of Special Education Appeals. In an effort to ensure that they are meeting the needs of families and school districts in Massachusetts, the Mediators at the Massachusetts’ Bureau of Special Education Appeals are offering informational Zoom sessions on BSEA Mediation and Facilitation.
* Families, Students, Educators, School Staff, Advocates, etc. are welcome to join the hour long Zoom sessions to learn about how mediation at the BSEA works and to ask questions.
To register or for more information on all dates for the 2025 Bureau of Special Education Appeals “Mediation & Facilitation” webinars, visit www.mass.gov/service-details/mediation-and-facilitation-informational-sessions   or contact Myrto Flessas, Coordinator of Mediation and Facilitation; Bureau of Special Education Appeals Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 857-260-4541 (mobile /preferred) 781-397-4794 (office / messages only) or Myrto.flessas@mass.gov






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