January 31, 2024 all-day

Webinar for families with Autism in MassachusettsWebinar, January 31th, with the Chicopee, MA, SEPAC and the Federation for Children with Special Needs in Massachusetts. The Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility  presentation will delve into the Individual Education Program (IEP) document, its development, the breakdown of each section and understanding how the document will support a student.
Workshop Topics:
•  Why the IEP is Important
•  Who is eligible for an IEP
•  How the IEP is Developed
•  Strengths and Concerns • Vision Statements
•  IEP Sections including PLEP A & B, Annual Goals and Service Delivery Grid
•  Differences between Accommodations and Modifications
• Response, Placement and Consent
• Procedural Safeguards
Registration is required to https://fcsn-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpd-uprT0iH9QxJ9QUUJQF2RpcVNiI5vsD#/registration
or contact (800) 331-0688  info@fcsn.org 

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