Webinar, April 23rd, 2024, with Massachusetts Advocates for Children. Basic Rights will provide an overview regarding the special education requirements of student with disabilities and the supports and services they are entitled to in order to receive a free and appropriate public education.
* This workshop addresses legal standards, the special education process, parent and student participation rights, evaluation rights and the range of compensatory services still available.
Workshop topics typically include:
• Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Massachusetts Laws
• Evaluations and Referrals, The Team Meeting
• Individualized EducationProgram (IEP) and 504Plans
• Effective Progress
• Transition, Review of Important Timelines
To RSVP https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrf-2urzIjGtRba075AVNtjXk5hSqxPPTn#/registration
or email workshops@fcsn.org.
* For more information about the educational workshops available from The Federation for Children with Special Needs, visit fcsn.org/ptic/workshops or email workshops@fcsn.org