Special Olympics Day at the Big E Adult Down Syndrome Basketball

Webinar, October 11th, 2022, with the Special Needs Housing and Transition Group of Wakefield, MA.  Hear about a wealth of resources about the local recreational and social opportunities for our population.
The presenters include: 
* Sharon Riddle is the publisher of the all-encompassing website www.spedmasschild.com. Her website includes many social and recreational opportunities for adults, which she will discuss with us. Sharon is the parent of children with ASD, OCD, ADHD and executive functioning challenges.
* Melissa Carter is the Coordinator of Adaptive Programs for Natick, who runs the Skyline program for special needs adults and also Camp Arrowhead in the summer. Melissa will talk to us about how Natick developed its excellent programs, and the challenges and pitfalls.
* Paula Rizzo is the Integration and Recreational Coordinator for the LABBB collaborative. Paula has been working with our kids for decades and will share what she has learned about fostering an active, social and fun life for our adult children.
Time: Oct 11, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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