March 29, 2023 – March 30, 2023 all-day

Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts conference Acquired Brain Injury and the Family: A Biopsychosocial PerspectiveMarlborough, MA, March 29th & 30st, 2023. The Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts (BIA-MA) Conference is for brain injury survivors, caregivers, families and professionals to gather and discuss the challenges faced by the brain injury community.
The 41st Annual Brain Injury Conference features:
* Keynote speaker Carole Starr, M.S.
* 25 workshops over two days,
* Three networking sessions with exhibitors
* An Exhibitor Hall showcasing community resources and more
Keynote: On Thursday, March 30th Carole Starr, Scarborough, ME will be giving her keynote on “Weasilience: Handling Life’s Wild Moments”. Carole has been living with brain injury since a car accident in 1999, which left her unable to return to her life as an educator and classical musician. Over time, Carole has reinvented herself as a national keynote speaker, the author of the award-winning book To Root & To Rise: Accepting Brain Injury, and the founder of the Maine-based survivor group Brain Injury Voices.
* In the past conferences, workshop topics covered:

  • Racial Disparities
  • Healthy Living
  • Duel Diagnosis
  • Long-Term Services and Supports
  • Rebuilding Identities and Meaningful Lives After Acquired Brain Injury,
  • And much more

For this year workshop topics and for more information visit the BIA-MIA Brain Injury Conference page or contact BIA-MA at 508-475-0032 or email education@biama.org

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