August 11, 2024 all-day

Plymouth, MA, August 11th, 2o24, with Spaulding Rehab Network in Massachusetts. The sport of sled hockey enables individuals to play hockey in a seated position with blades beneath them. Players propel themselves by using sticks with pricks on the end, or with the assistance of a designated pusher.
The youth sled hockey program is open to youth of all ages and abilities.
* Practices consist of individual coaching, skills training, small games and scrimmaging.
* Practices are led by USA Hockey certified coaches to ensure age-appropriate instruction and play.
* Please come 45 minutes early to be fit into equipment if it is your first time.
Fees appl Registration is required to https://sasc.spauldingrehab.org/default.aspx?tab=icon or spauldingadaptivesports@partners.org

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