Webinar, October 10th, 2023, with the Parent Professional Advocacy League of Massachusetts. Free for Parent and Caregivers. PPAL’s Statewide meetings are meant ONLY for parents / caregivers / family members / family partners of children with behavioral health needs. When signing up, please indicate in your email that you are a parent or a family member of a child with behavioral health needs.
* Where Is The Data? A School Advocacy Conversation with Dixie Jordan. Dixie Jordan is a nationally certified cultural competence trainer. She has conducted more than 600 trainings, presentations, and keynotes nationally. As a leader in advocating for systemic change, Dixie Jordan will be speaking about:
- Free and Appropriate Public Education
- Important points to know about behavior and opportunities in education
- One line statements that every parent should know
- Preparing for the school year to get the most for your unique child
RSVPS required for the Zoom link to https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejzppbg1be899683&oseq=&c=59514330-4233-11e3-9b3c-782bcb740129&ch=73a0fda0-61a8-11e7-bc35-d4ae52754db0 or statewide@ppal.net or (866)815-8122 info@ppal.net