October 10, 2023 all-day

Mental Health Event for families in MassachusettsWebinar, October 10th, 2023, with the Parent Professional Advocacy League of Massachusetts. Free for Parent and Caregivers. PPAL’s Statewide meetings are meant ONLY for parents / caregivers / family members / family partners of children with behavioral health needs. When signing up, please indicate in your email that you are a parent or a family member of a child with behavioral health needs.
* Where Is The Data? A School Advocacy Conversation with Dixie Jordan. Dixie Jordan is a nationally certified cultural competence trainer. She has conducted more than 600 trainings, presentations, and keynotes nationally.
As a leader in advocating for systemic change, Dixie Jordan will be speaking about:

  • Free and Appropriate Public Education
  • Important points to know about behavior and opportunities in education
  • One line statements that every parent should know
  • Preparing for the school year to get the most for your unique child

RSVPS required for the Zoom link to https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejzppbg1be899683&oseq=&c=59514330-4233-11e3-9b3c-782bcb740129&ch=73a0fda0-61a8-11e7-bc35-d4ae52754db0   or statewide@ppal.net or  (866)815-8122 info@ppal.net 

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