November 20, 2024 all-day

Ask the Neurologist webinar for special needs parents in MassachusettsWebinar, November 20th, 2024. Join The Arc for a special webinar about MassAbility (formerly known as the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission). Presenter Manel Desvallons will provide an overview of MassAbility programs, information on how to apply for services, as well as details about community engagement activities.
* As the Family Partnership Coordinator in the agency’s Office of Learning and Community Engagement, Manel has extensive experience working with individuals with disabilities, their families, advocates and leaders.
* He is committed to breaking down barriers and promoting access, inclusion, and opportunities for empowerment.
To register or for more information visit  https://arcmass.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqdemvpj8qHdK9N4iVnSbIU6xPQ4h8ZCbq#/registration or contact  arcmass@arcmass.org

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