Webinar, February 12th, 2025, with McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA. Attention-deficit /hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in kids and teens. However, it can also affect adults if left undiagnosed or unaddressed. It can have an impact on the emotions and behaviors of children, and it can affect their ability to learn new things.
* Often children with ADHD are portrayed as being troublemakers who may be difficult to parent, teach, or coach. However, this only captures one sliver of behaviors associated with ADHD, and can create a false narrative that an ADHD diagnosis is a bad thing.
* In this previously recorded session, Roberto Olivardia, PhD, explains how we can help support the kids and teens we look after who have ADHD, addresses the stigma associated with ADHD diagnoses, and answers audience questions about how having ADHD can have its advantages.
About the speaker: Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D., is a Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Instructor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School. He specializes in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), executive functioning issues, issues that face students with learning differences, he treatment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and in the treatment of eating disorders in boys and men. He is co-author of The Adonis Complex, a book which details the various manifestations of body image problems in men.
To register or for more information visit https://home.mcleanhospital.org/webinar-series and scroll down to the event.