September 12, 2023 all-day

Insurance for Autism in Greater MassachusettsNorthampton, MA, September 12th, 2023, with Family Empowerment of Northampton, MA.  Join Family Empowerment, Hampshire County’s Family Support Center and Melanie McLaughlin for a discussion about health insurance options, eligibility, and special programs.
The workshop will review the following topics:
– Private health insurance and MassHealth options at 18 years old for a young adult with a disability.
– MassHealth and private insurance eligibility information.
– Unique MassHealth application forms required to apply for a young adult with a disability.
– SSI and health insurance options.
About the presenter: Melanie McLaughlin Ed.M, is the Project Director of Mass Family Voices at the Federation for Children with Special Needs.
Registration is required to https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejxbew824a1dd606&oseq&c&ch or contact 413-585-8010 or christy.castro@pathlightgroup.org  

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