July 16, 2024 all-day

School Graduate Introduction to the Transition Planning Process for Special Needs: Holyoke MassachusettsWebinar, July 16th, 2024, with Kelly Challen at NESCA in Newton, MA.  The purpose of special education is not just to ensure students can access education, but also that students with disabilities are adequately prepared for independent living, community engagement, college and/or training, and employment when they leave public education.
* Join in to learn about IEP transition planning and the most important knowledge and skill sets to develop while students are still in middle and high school.
Audience: Parents and caregivers of students on IEPs
Time: 7:00 – 8:00 PM ET
Registration required  to   https://nesca-newton.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RZtwx3-nS3qGXuUa9TpLFQ#/registration       or contact jhauser@nesca-newton.com

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