Worcester State University, Worcester, MA, April 27th, 2024. Registration launches March 1, 2024. Check back for more information at the link below after that date.
* The Transition Journeys will feature timely and relevant information about the transition from school programs to adult services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities or autism when they turn 22 years old.
* Attendees will learn about transition from experts in Massachusetts services and supports, as well as family members who already have traveled the path. Attendees can choose from a wide variety of panels and breakout sessions, visit resource tables in the exhibit area, and hear from a renowned keynote speaker.
Questions? Please contact Dianne Huggon at huggon@arcmass.org.
For more information visit https://thearcofmass.org/conference/ or contac Dianne Huggon at huggon@arcmass.org.