Webinar, May 17th, 2024, with the Disability Law Center in Boston. The Disability Law Center of Massachusetts presents Keep Kids in Classrooms – Stop the Use of Exclusionary Time Out Rooms in Schools. Learn from top experts on the use of alternatives to exclusionary time out to address behavioral concerns in Massachusetts schools.
* Speakers will incude a representative from the US Department of Justice, the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint, and researchers, practitioners, teachers and leaders in preventing the use of exclusionary time-out in schools.
Please see below for agenda and speakers, or visit the RSVP link provided.
Register to www.dlc-ma.org/keep-our-kids-in-classrooms/ or 617 723-8455 | 800 872-9992 or mail@dlc-ma.org
- 9 am – Welcome and Introduction
- 9:15 am – Presentation by Guy Stephens, Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint
- 10 am – Presentation by Emily LaMarca, Parent Perspective
- 10:35 am – Introductory Comments by Barbara L’Italien, DLC Executive Director
- 10:45 am – Panel Discussion – James Eichner, Esq, U.S. Department of Justice, Dr. Michael Krezmien, University of Massachusetts, Department of Education, Liza Hirsch, Esq, MA Office of the Attorney General
- 1 pm – Breakout Room Presentations. Participants will join ONE break out room to hear presentations from three providers. (For example, if you are placed in Breakout Room #4, you will be hearing from The Regulated Classroom, Think Kids, Parent/Professional Advocacy League). All breakout room sessions will be recorded and the video will be shared with registered participants after the conference.
- 1 pm – 4 pm Groups Sessions
* Group One Susan Hopkins, Introduction to Shanker Self-Reg®, The MEHRIT Centre Kim Sanders, Ukeru Systems, Grafton Integrated Health Network Susan Driscoll, Reframing Behavior, Crisis Prevention Institute
* Group Two Gareth Morewood, The LASER Program, Studio 3 Dr. Lori Desautels, Applied Educational Neuroscience Revelations in Education Guy Stephens, The Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint (AASR)
* Group Three Dr. Ross Greene, Collaborative and Proactive Solutions, Lives in the Balance Corey Meurer, Building Communities of Care (BCC), Justice Resource Institute (JRI) Connie Persike, The Why Tool Kit, Supportable Solutions
* Group Four Emily Read Daniels, The Regulated Classroom Hallie Carpenter, Think Kids, Mass General Hospital (MGH) Meri Viano, Parent/Professional Advocacy League (PPAL) - 4 pm – 5 pm – Closing Panel Presentation by the event sponsors
- ASL and CART will be provided