November 14, 2023 all-day

Depression and Down Syndrome workshop for Families in Massachusetts (3)Webinar, November 14th, 2023, 7 p.m, with the Special Needs Transition Group of Wakefield, MA. Hear Jill Escher, President of the National Council on Severe Autism and the author of a landmark article on the autism surge, discuss why we need to a better job caring for this vulnerable population
* Also hear Leo Sarkissian, the Executive Director of The Arc of Massachusetts, who will discuss what is happening in Massachusetts with respect to these issues, and provide helpful tips on how to advocate for services here.
To join in the meeting please register to https://financialguide.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsfu-uqz4pE9OOeY8rKv4D3Fu0gsWx-KeN#/registration or contact the Special Needs Transition Group at SPEDHousing.Transition@gmail.com.

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