November 18, 2023 all-day

Sensory Friendly PLUS performance of A Christmas Carol at the Trinity Rep Theater in Providence Rhode IslandProvidence, RI, November 16th, 2023, 12 p.m performance. This event is now titled Sensory-Friendly Plus to let audience know that the event is a sensory-friendly plus a family-friendly performance the holiday favorite, A Christmas Carol.
Designed to meet the needs of guests on the autism spectrum, with sensory processing disorders, epilepsy, PTSD, or other sensitivities.
* Sensory-Friendly Plus! performances features modified sound, lighting, and other technical adjustments. Patrons are invited to make sounds, enter and exit as needed during the performance, and enjoy the show with their family and community.
Tickets purchases required.
For more information visit www.trinityrep.com/box-office/accessibility/sensory-friendly-plus/ or contact
the box office (401) 351-4242

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