June 4, 2024 all-day

Young Adult Blind and Vision Impairment Transition to Adult and Employment workshops in Massachusetts (2)Webinar, June 4th, 2024, with Perkins School for the Blind of  Watertown, MA. Discuss the key aspects of coming of age and explore how we can support individuals in being self-determined with the least restrictions, with safeguards in place. Age of majority is an important benchmark for individuals with disabilities.
* Age of majority is the transition from childhood to adulthood. The age of majority is 18 in most states.
* If individuals are their own guardian, they are legally responsible for their life actions in areas of finance, healthcare and education.
* In this workshop, have a conversation about the key aspects of coming of age and explore how we can support individuals in being self-determined with the least restrictions.
Speaker: Ann Phelan -Manager of Resources and Engagement, Perkins Transition Center.
Registration is required to www.perkins.org/transition-center/transition-planning-resource-center/transition-center-summer-series-on-guardianship/#series or contact (617) 924-3434 or info@perkins.org

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