Webinar, December 14th, 2023. More webinars on the 3nd Thursday of each month, with the Federation for Children with Special Needs in MA. Free but exclusively for SESPs, PCTI Graduates and SEPAC Chairpersons.
* For this Networking Session, learn about School Refusal.
* School refusal is a common challenge for students with learning and developmental challenges. Once it becomes entrenched, it can be very difficult to manage. School refusal is a complex problem that typically requires a multi-faceted approach to treatment.
* The speaker will be Developmental Neuropsychologist Dr. Joe Moldover, who will review the types of school refusal, the factors that make school refusal more likely, and treatments for children and families struggling with this issue.
* Open to all active SESPs, graduates of the Parent Consultant Training Institute, and Special Education Advisory Councils (SEPAC) Chairs.
* These meeting are monthly and address pertinent topics surrounding special education.
* The Networking Series is a collaborative effort of the Recruitment, Training and Support Center (RTSC), Parent Consultant Training Institute (PCTI), and MassPAC projects of the Federation for Children with Special Needs.
* Registration is required to https://fcsn-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrd–gpjopE9T9Ck-agUCOuigv5UnZYFe3#/registration or contact (617) 236-7210 or info @fcsn.org