Webinar, February 11th, 2025, with the Parent Professional Advocacy League in Massachusetts. Students with disabilities, Black and brown students, and students with a trauma history are more likely to be subjected to punitive discipline. In the name of behavior, many children are misunderstood and punished. Outdated behavioral management approaches are not working. Being the parent or caregiver of a misunderstood child can be difficult. We are often blamed and shamed, but there is hope.
* Discuss the use of punitive discipline and how a new lens on behavior can reduce punitive practices and lead to greater potential for our children.
About the speaker: Guy Stephens is the Founder and Executive Director of The Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint (AASR), a nonprofit he started in 2019. Guy is the vice president of the board of directors for The Arc of Maryland and a board member of PDA North America. He has presented at conferences and events across North America and guest lectures for undergraduate and graduate courses as a national expert on the issue of restraint and seclusion. Guy is actively working to inform changes in policy and practice to reduce and eliminate the use of punitive discipline and outdated behavioral management approaches and end the school-to-prison pipeline.
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or contact 617-542-7860 or info@ppal.net