Burlington, MA, January 4th – March 15th, 2025, with the Burlington, MA, Recreation Department. RecTogether is a social and recreational program for young adults with disabilities. Pleae inquire about the exact ages for this program
* Sign up for one or all of the outings that interest you!
* A parent/guardian/caregiver guide is available with program specific information.
2025 Schedule:
* Wegmans & Bowling 01/04/2025
* Slime-time: Clouds to Candy 01/10/2025
* Fitness & Frosting 01/25/2025
* Pizza Making Class at Bertucci’s 01/31/2025
* Art Studio 02/08/2025
* Dance Inn! 02/21/2025
* Viking Sports 03/01/2025
* Dance Inn! 02/21/2025
* Planetarium 03/15/2025
Fees apply, registration is required to www.burlington.org/162/Parks-Recreation or contact eandrus@burlington.org or 781-270-1937