Virtual Event, June 18th, 2024, with the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services. DDS recently announced it will be holding a public Hearing for proposed regulations at: 115 CMR 14.00 (Self-Determination and Self-Directed Services)
* Proposed 115 CMR 14.00 implements DDS’ self-directed services, which offer eligible individuals an alternative to traditional services operated, certified, licensed, or contracted for or otherwise funded by the Department.
* Self-directed services promote independence in service planning while providing equitable access to the Department’s resources.
“Self-determination” is the statutory term that encompasses “an approach to service delivery in which the participant is given control over the decision-making process for the participant’s supports or services and budget and the participant may tailor the support to meet the participant’s needs.
* Copies of the proposed regulations are posted on the DDS Website at
* Public comments can be made at and will be accepted by the Department until Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
* Don’t miss your chance to provide substantial to DDS regarding self-determination and self-directed services! Download the full notice below for the connection information.