January 8, 2025 all-day

Mental Health Event for families in MassachusettsWebinar, January 8th, 2025,  with the Parent Professional Advocacy League of Massachusetts. Free for Parent and Caregivers.  PPAL’s Statewide meetings are meant ONLY for parents/caregivers/family members/family partners of children with behavioral health needs. When signing up, please indicate in your email that you are a parent or a family member of a child with behavioral health needs.
* Pre-Planning for a Mental Health Crisis: The Road to Readiness
* Have you thought about what you will do if your child needs to be screened for hospitalization due to unsafe behaviors?
* What are your options and how will you plan in advance?
* Do you have a plan that is shared with friends, family and emergency / first responders?
This workshop is designed to give families a step-by-step guide with tools, resources, and and strategies in order to be well-prepared for a mental health crisis involving their children.
RSVPS required for the Zoom link to https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/d2wkewx/lp/85a83b31-8473-4e5c-8b3a-425cb40e5984  or contact PPAL Training, (866)815-8122 or training@ppal.net.  

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