Webinar, September 18th, 2024, with the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress. Hear guest presenter, Fred Misilo, Attorney, Chair, Trust and Estate Department, Fletcher Tilton, PC, to learn the fundamental planning strategies used in creating an estate plan for the benefit of a family member with Down syndrome.
* Review the overall objectives of such a plan including::
- Maximizing eligibility for government benefits.
- Ensuring that future decisions by Trustees and supporters are made in an informed fashion consistent with the expressed preferences and best interests of a family member with Down syndrome,
- Integrating fundamental estate planning considerations such as minimizing exposure to estate tax liability as well as Probate Court estate administration and reviewing the overall structure of a sound and holistic estate plan.
To register visit https://mdsc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QO0thHnOSS-b9zqnLVl6NA?#/registrationor contact (781) 221-0024 or mdsc@mdsc.org.