Emotional Shy Parenting the Anxious Child Workshop MassachusettsWebinar, February 9th, 2023, with the North Reading Sepac. For families with children of all ages and all disabilities. The presenter will be Jack Yates, a teacher and consultant in and for a wide variety of human service agencies and projects. He is also an associate of the Training Institute at Syracuse University.
* Jack was one of the originators of person-centered planning, and conducts and co-ordinates staff development classes, workshops and conferences at the regional and statewide levels in Massachusetts.
* Jack served as visiting lecturer at Harvard Divinity School for three years, conducting a course called “The Inclusive Community”
.To register for this event visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSchRStcQ0Pc1a8CVFRN7bNcFvC-6vom2viHrcG2x81GZRlaYQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0   or contact northreadingsepac@gmail.com

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