December 5, 2024 all-day

Webinar, December 5th, 2024, with the Parent Professional Advocacy League of Massachusetts. Free for Parent and Caregivers.  PPAL’s Statewide meetings are meant only for family members raising children with mental health needs, as well as family partners.
* Are you one of the many families struggling with a child who doesn’t want to go to school? Or maybe they go but don’t stay?
* Are you on a first name basis with the school nurse? Maybe you’re at odds with your child or their school?
* ExplorE how to “wrap our heads around” this challenge while maintaining the number one priority: our relationship with our child.
RSVPS required for the Zoom link to https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/njqpk93/lp/31d249aa-11ef-482e-a8ae-25e18e2fbf3f or contact  PPAL Training, (866)815-8122 or training@ppal.net.

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