JFK Library, Boston, July 18th, 2024. With the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. The 12th annual Stephanie Moulton Symposium: The Power of Belonging and Building Strong Communities. For DMH and Provider Staff, individuals who receive services, and other stakeholders other interested in Mental Health Safety.
- 10:30 to 11:00 – Registration
- 11:00 to 11:15 – Welcome Remarks: Commissioner Brooke Doyle, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
- 11:15 to 12:15 – Keynote Speaker: Sandra Harris, State President, AARP Massachusetts; Founder and Co-Chair, The Massachusetts Taskforce to End Loneliness and Build Community
- 12:15 to 01:00- Lunch
- 1:00 to 01:15 – Award Presentation
- 1:15 to 02:30 – Panel Discussion
- 2:30 to 02:45 – Closing Ceremony – TuneFoolery 2:45 to 03:00 – Raffle and Closing Remarks
- 3:00 – Adjourn
To register or for more information visit https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/jdr6wyr/lp/b306e538-4481-4de9-acc4-1d8e9e28b56f or contact +1 617-626-8000 or dmhinfo@mass.gov