August 21, 2024 all-day

The Use of Pediatric & Adolescent Psychiatric Medication Workshop in MassachusettsWebinar, August 21st, with the MGH Lurie Center for Autism in Lexington, MA. A virtual presentation on psychopharmacology and related medication treatments for ASD. Discussion will include the growing need for autism-competent providers and share practical guidelines for managing common co-occurring conditions like sleep disturbances, ADHD, anxiety, and depression in autistic individuals.
* Christopher J. McDougle, MD, Director, Lurie Center for Autism
* Jacob Hooker, PhD, Scientific Director, Lurie Center for Autis
Registration is required to www.massgeneral.org/children/autism/lurie-center and scroll down to your desired event, or contact 781-860-1700 or luriecenter@mgb.org

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