Webinar, January 22nd, 2025, with the Arc of Massachusetts. Join The Arc for a special, two-part series on Almost Everything You Need to Know About MassHealth. This presentation will be led by Jessica Russo, Director of Family Support and Advocacy at the Berkshire County Arc.
* Jessica has years of experience assisting families with applying for both community and long-term care. In addition, she was a Certified Application Counselor at the Berkshire Medical Center in a previous role.
* She will share her first-hand knowledge and practical experience as she covers critical information for
- accessing MassHealth
- eligibility and applying
- communication and plan options
- proof of residency/income
- disability, SSI, documents
- authorized representatives
- appeals
To register or for more information visit https://arcmass.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrduiqrz4vHdfG2wXHRX2o1LkELOhte0W6#/registrationr or contact P: (781) 891-6270