Webinar, December 7th, 2023, with the Arc of Massachusetts Senior Director of Government Affairs and Health Policy Maura Sullivan. Have you been thinking about getting involved in advocacy on a state and federal level, in order to make an impact on our system of services and supports?
* It can feel overwhelming for all beginners, with the many priority bills, policy issues, and the complex budget process.
* Maura will walk you through the basics to get you started as they prepare to advocate for the FY25 budget and strive to pass priority legislation.
This session is not for experienced advocates.
Register to The Arc of Massachusetts https://arcmass.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvdeqvqDsqEtPO-MSx0gFecZAzqCHecom4#/registration or contact (781) 891-6270 arcmass@arcmass.org