October 21, 2024 all-day

Webinar Introduction to Autism for Young Adults and Adults AsianWebinar, October 21st, 2024, with the Associaton for Autism & Neurodiversity in Watertown, MA. A presentation and discussion for Autistic adults to come and explore their understanding of autism through a neurological lens.
* Discuss common misconceptions, the Autistic identity, and common Autistic traits, strengths, and challenges.
* This presentation is given by an Autistic adult and a Neurodivergent ally.
* You might enjoy this presentation and discussion if you are newly diagnosed, considering whether you may be autistic, or if you have only explored autism through a deficit lens in the past.
* AANE Adult Support Groups, Social Groups, and events are intended for post-high school Autistic adults who are able to self-regulate AND independently participate in activities without the assistance of a dedicated caregiver
To register or for more information visit https://aane.org/events/?_event_date=2024-09-21%2C&_paged=6 0 and scroll to your desired event, or contact events@aane.org 

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