January 10, 2025 – March 1, 2025 all-day

Martial arts for special needs in Western Massachusetts (2)Northampton, MA, January – March, 2025, with Whole Children / Milestones. In person, for ages 13 to Adult 12 with special needs.
* In Indonesian Kung-Fu, or “Silat,” students learn both physical and verbal self-defense and martial arts skills, with a focus on cooperation, respect, self-awareness and self-control.
* Students earn stripes and belts at their own pace, while learning the values of hard work and determination.
* Each session culminates in a presentation and board breaking demonstration.
Families may purchase shirt, belt and pants from the instructor.
Fees apply, registration is required to Whole Children https://wholechildren.org/class-schedule/(see the calendar) or contact 413-585-8010 info@wholechildren.org 

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