Wakefield, MA, July 16th – September 4th, 2024, with Communitas of Wakefield. An 8-week session of cardio drumming to move, sing, and have blast while working up a sweat.
* Date: Wednesdays, July 17th-September 4th
* Time: 5:00-5:45 pm
* 8 participants maximum per class
* 3 spots reserved for DESE Transition Project participants*
To register or for more information visit or https://communitas.recdesk.com/Community/Program and scroll down to your desired event, or contact Lauren Buttiglieri, Recreation Director, at lbuttiglieri@communitasma.org or 781-587-2382. For questions regarding the DESE Transition Project contact Jess Talbot at jtalbot@communitasma.org or 781-587-2290