August 19, 2024 – August 23, 2024 all-day

Swimming for Disabilities and Special needs in MassachusettsBurlington, MA, August 19th – 23rd, 2024, with the Burlington Recreation Department. For participants with a disability. iCan Shine is a nationally recognized non-profit organization that provides recreational programs for individuals with disabilities.
* For ages 3 -7, 8 – 12, 13+.
* iCan Swim works on learning new swim skills, improving existing skills with a daily emphasis on life-saving water safety skills in and around aquatic environments.
* To be eligible to enroll, swimmers must: be at least three years old and have a disability.
* All abilities are welcome however individuals with a tracheostomy are not eligible to participate as  the program is unable to guarantee a splash-free environment.
* Individuals must be toilet trained. No swim diapers are allowed in the pool.
* Participants register for one session and attend at the same time each day for the duration of the five day program.
Fees apply, registration is required by May 31st, 2024, to www.burlington.org/874/Programs-Offeredor contact 781-270-1695

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