October 3, 2024 all-day

Autism and Divorce workshop for families in MassachusettsWebinar, October 3rd, 2024, with the Federation for Children with Special Needs in Massachusetts. Guest speaker is Sheilah M. Gauch, Principal and Clinical Director of Dearborn Academy, a therapeutic day school that services students with social/emotional and learning needs. She is also a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and educator with over 20 years’ experience working with and advocating for students with complicated mental health needs.
* Sheilah has two childrenwhose mental health issues were ultimately diagnosed as PANS/PANDAS (Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome/Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep).
* Sheilah co-founded the Massachusetts Coalition for PANS/PANDAS Legislation, which successfully championed the passage of an insurance mandate and established a DPH PANS/PANDAS Advisory Council, where she serves as the co-chair.
To register or for more information visit https://fcsn.org/event/caregiver-stress-trauma/or contact 617.236.7210 or

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