Webinar, November 13th, 2023, with the The Arc of Bristol County Family Support Center . Hear Patricia Menzel, a “Happy Square Peg,” with an enlightening and personal look at living with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis.
* Autistic self-advocate Patti Menzel will discuss embracing the strengths of autism, while sharing positive management strategies for an enriched autistic life.
* This presentation features a tale of transformation as we follow Patti from her undiagnosed years and institutionalizations to her initial response to an autism diagnosis and finally an awareness of the gifts of autism.
* This presentation features the impactful supports and strategies which have greatly improved Patti’s connection, communication, and functioning in life.
Registration is required to https://forms.microsoft.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=_X1pSCtxhUyv6xbMkfVVIDoCV92WBQtAlMqmJEEQWNFUNzVKTlRIOUhRRzFOQUtEWFEyM0Y5SEFKOC4u or contact (508) 226-1445 or info@arcnbc.org