Webinar, February 28th, 2024, with PPal of Massachusetts. For Police, First Responders, Mobile Crisis, Community Behavioral Health Centers, and all community members interested in supporting crisis.
- Children’s Mental Health
- Understand child and adolescent behaviors
- Considerations for specific mental health needs, including substance use
- Understand specific risk concerns
Family Experience:
- Understand why families call 911
- What families need police/ first responders to know
- What improves outcomes for families
- How to utilize family knowledge
Trauma Support:
- Guidelines for effective interactions
- Understanding risk, including suicide prevention
- Approaches that work with children
- Know where to direct families for further support
RSVP to http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ek7yo73z9b3a10ed&llr=y4pfhvbab or training@ppal.net