January 23, 2025 all-day

Emotional Shy Parenting the Anxious Child Workshop MassachusettsConcord, MA, Janaury 23rd, 2024. Presented in partnership with Concord-Carlisle Regional SEPAC and their co-sponsors. This event is part of the Transforming Childhood: Expertise, Innovation, and Community Engagement series.
* Consider your options and ensure a balanced, enriching experience for your children during after-school hours and in the summer.
* Psychologist Dr. Andrew Richlin will address the balance between isolation and socialization, family and community, goal-driven activities and open-ended play, and self-direction versus being led.
* Speakers:

  • Coach Shane Conroy (Asst. Swim & Dive Coach, CCHS)
  • Sara Dempster, MLIS (Head of Youth Services, Concord Free Public Library)
  • Sherry Kenin, OT, MS, OTR (Timbernook, Minuteman Arc)
  • Coach Jerry Moss (Head Coach, Heritage Pool & Racquet Club & Asst. Swim an Dive Coach, CCHS)
  • Dr. Richlin in discussion with Educational Leader Colleen L. Meaney.

To register or for more information visit https://concordlibrary.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/growth-harmonizing-solitude-guidance-and-freedom/   or contact concordsepac@gmail.com 

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