June 24, 2024 all-day

usetts (2)Virtual Group, June 24th, 2024, with Foundation for Faces of Children in Brookline, MA This event is for those living in one of the New England states.
Want to meet other young adults within the FFC community? Join in virtually via zoom.
Foundation for Faces Young-Adult Virtual Meetup: FFC Young adults, come meet and chat with your FFC peers.
* Open to young adults 18 and over with a craniofacial condition. “
* This a relaxed virtual meet up designed to connect the FFC young adult community.
* Get a chance to meet new people, ask questions or just listen whatever works for you.
RSVP by June 23, 2024, to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16DJdyeXKPUN6dvHY8YXv9EbEAFsYw-iREcmmnqw3O94/viewform?edit_requested=true    or contact 617.355.8299 or info@facesofchildren.org. 
* The Foundation for Faces of Children (FFC) is a New England-based, not for profit, 501(c) 3 organization.
Their goal is to provide clear, accurate information and other educational resources to children born with craniofacial differences and their families.
* The Foundation for Faces of Children is dedicated to improving the lives of children with craniofacial differences, including cleft lip, cleft palate, and other facial differences.

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