Webinar, January 19th, 2024, with the Early Intervention Parent Leadership Project in Massachusetts. Did you know that parents have rights if they have concerns or complaints about their Early Intervention (El) services? If you have a question, concern, or a complaint about your child’s El services, would you know who to call or what your rights and options are?
* The Early Intervention Division will present this training for parents about your rights and options, including working with your El team when you have concerns and how to file for a mediation or a due process hearing.
* The training will provide an overview of the timelines, process, and outcomes and is part of a series of workshops to support parents to know their rights.
Register to https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lduGhqDwuHdf3UWrhmGXPEOtpCFNFmk5Q#/registration or contact (877) 353-4757 or eiplp@live.com