Newton, MA, May 16th & 17th, 2024, with MEDA (Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association). MEDA’s 2024 Conference is designed to provide the latest treatment modality updates for eating disorder diagnostic criteria per the revised edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) and how this impacts people across all populations.
* The 2024 MEDA Conference will highlight various evidence-based treatment modalities, while working within a multidisciplinary team approach and educating providers about how to advocate for patient care across all populations.
* They organize the event to offer education to meet the needs of both highly experienced providers and those new to the field.
* Ddesigned for doctors, nurses, psychologists, mental health clinicians, social workers, dietitians, other healthcare professionals, students, and other professionals who focus on the treatment and care of patients with eating disorders and subclinical eating disorders.
Fees apply, registration is required to or contact (617) 558 1881