July 27, 2022 all-day

Webinar, July 27th, 2022, with the MGH Aspire Program for Autism in Lexington. Free. This workshop is intended for parents and caregivers of individuals with ASD or a similar social profile who have already completed our Disclosure 101 workshop or who have had similar experience and exposure to the subject.
* The content in this workshop will build upon the introductory concepts.
* Participants will review existing literature on disclosure focusing on parent perspectives.
* This includes identifying the positive aspects of disclosure, fears and concerns, learning how to talk about ASD to introduce it effectively to children, and learning how to promote self-awareness through disclosure, which will support self-disclosure and self-advocacy in the future.

Registration is required to www.massgeneral.org/assets/mgh/pdf/children/aspire/parent-schedule-summer2022.pdf  and scroll down to page to your desired event, or contact mghaspire@partners.org or 781-860-1900.

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