September 5, 2024 all-day

mens and fathers support group Support Group for Fathers of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in MassachusettsLawrence, MA, September 5th, with the Disability Law Center and the Lawrence ADA Center. The DLC want  to hear from you about your concerns and hopes for the future in making Lawrence, and Massachusetts, a better place to live for people with disabilities.
*  The Disability Law Center (DLC) is the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agency for Massachusetts. DLC is a private, non-profit organization responsible for providing protection and advocacy for the rights of Massachusetts residents with disabilities. DLC receives federal, state and private funding but is not part of the state or federal government. As the P&A, federal law provides DLC extensive access authority.
Register to   https://www.dlc-m a.org/lawrence-listening-session-2024/or contact 617 723-8455 | 800 872-9992 or mail@dlc-ma.org

Sesión Auditiva con el Disability Law Center. “Queremos escuchar sus preocupaciones y expectativas para el futuro, con el fin de hacer de Lawrence y Massachusetts un mejor lugar donde vivir para las personas con discapacidades.
https://www.dlc-m a.org/lawrence-listening-session-2024/
Jueves, 5 de Septiembre de 2024 – De 12 pm a 2 pm
Se recomienda registrarse.
ESCANEABLESe han solicitado ASL y CART
Se dará un pequeño refrigerio.
NOTE – Our www.spedchildmass.com is not responsible for language translations mistakes, errors, miscommunications or harm done in this post, or any calendar, page, post, event or photo and or related materials s presented on our site.
SPANISH * NOTA – Nuestro www.spedchildmass.com no es responsable de los errores de traducción de idiomas, errores, malas comunicaciones o daños causados en esta publicación, o cualquier calendario, página, publicación, evento o foto y / o materiales relacionados presentados en nuestro sitio.

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