April 18, 2024 all-day

Family Young Adult Special Needs Disability Planning in MassachusettsWebinar, April 18th, 2024, with the Disability Resource Center of Salem, MA. Free. This educational workshop will guide you through the various housing options for individuals and families in living in Massachusetts.
* The speaker will be Marcia Brennen from the Disability Resource Center.
* Hear her guide residents on applying for CHAMP, AHVP, Section 8 and more types of affordable and subsidized housing
* Marcia is a Disability Resource Specialists who provides short term services including; information and referrals and Options Counseling. She also provides long term services including: Skills Training, Peer Support, Self-Advocacy and Service Coordination.
* Email jbocko@disabilityrc.org for questions or more information.
* Accommodations: Email dbarber@disabilityrc.org two weeks before the event.
To register or for more information visit www.eventbrite.com/e/housing-options-workshop-april-2024-tickets-874016154847  or contact 978-741-0077

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