Webinar, December 112th, 2023, 7 p.m, with the Special Needs Transition Group of Wakefield, MA. Health Insurance considerations for transition-age youth and young adults.
Topics will include:
· Keeping a dependent on a parent’s policy past age 26
· MassHealth and Premium Assistance
· MassHealth redeterminations
· How Social Security affects coverage
· Medicare for disabled adults
* Amy Weinstock, Director, Insurance Resource Center for Autism and Behavioral Health, UMass Chan Medical School, EK Shriver Center.
* Helen Golding, Principal Author of White Paper- “Autism and Medicare: when “more” is sometimes less”.
To join in the meeting please register to https://financialguide.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwude-sqj0sGtOd6mgXcoJDd6LG5pAxa_XZ or contact the Special Needs Transition Group at SPEDHousing.Transition@gmail.com.