Webinar, June 4th, 2024, with Disability Employment First Massachusetts. Free. This webinar is for those who work with or support a young person with a disability who is transitioning from school to adult life. It provides information related to the significant benefit changes that young adults with disabilities need to understand as they approach adulthood including the mandatory Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Age 18 redetermination process and how changes to public health insurance can occur.
* There is a special emphasis on young adult related programs and work incentives such as Section 301-Continued Payment under Vocational Rehabilitation or Similar Program, Student Earned Income Exclusion, and PASS Plans, which can help fund education.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED to https://employmentfirstma.org/providertraining/ or contact the Institute for Community Inclusion 617-287-4300 or ici@umb.edu