April 2, 2024 all-day

Life After High School for Special-Needs: Beyond the Default Setting Parent Workshop Greater Boston Graduate High School Student TeensWebinar, April 2nd, 2o24, with the Massachusetts’ Department of Developmental Services.  Free. Be Prepared for the Transition Years – DDS 101 Info Session.
* This workshop will provide need to know information about the Department of Developmental Services as the transition from high school to life after high school approaches.
You will learn about:

  • ELIGIBILITY: How do I become eligible for DDS Services?
  • AREA OFFICE: What is the role of the DDS Area office?
  • FAMILY SUPPORT: What can Family Support provide to my family, and what are the limitations?
  • SELF-DIRECTION: What are Self-Directed Services? How do they differ from Traditional Services?
  • AUTISM SERVICES: What support is available to my family member with autism, and how do we access it?

RSVPs required to https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/dj4ezcg/lp/531707d2-0d71-473a-bd9f-5bbb47127db5 or contact TBA.


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