February 6, 2025 all-day

Discipline Matters Workshop in MassachusettsWebinar, February 6th, 2025, with the Parent Professional Advocacy League in Massachusetts. PPAL workshops are meant for parents, caregivers, family members, individuals, family partners, and/or peer leaders with experience supporting children with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs.
* Are you a caregiver struggling to navigate mental health and other medical or school services for your child?
* Are you stressed, angry, and appalled at how hard it is to access and manage different services or support?
* Join this event to breathe and share strategies to help you stay upright and move yourself, your family, and your child forward.
RSVP to https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/ck2fq9u/lp/88363360-d4ed-484b-831c-575ad03bd324 or contact  Training@PPAL.net


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