Northampton, MA, January 6th -March 1st, 2025, with Whole Children / Milestones of Western MA. For ages 18+ with special needs. Boundaries and Relationships class provides students with the building blocks of creating relationships of all types and understanding that boundaries are needed to have safe, healthy relationships.
* This session will be focusing on healthy relationships and dating.
* In Boundaries and Relationships classes they focus on setting and respecting boundaries, red flags, and different types of relationships.
* Students will get an opportunity to connect experiences in their own life with the socials skills we cover in class as well as examine what boundaries feel good for them.
* Do you want to learn about meeting new people, social skills for getting to know them and building healthy friendships?
* Do you want to learn about healthy friendships? How to go on a date? Advocating and setting healthy boundaries?
* This class lays the groundwork for a life full of meaningful, healthy and safe relationships.
* In Boundaries and Relationships, they establish a learning community that can last many consecutive sessions as students move through the Whole Selves’ relationships curriculum.
Fees apply, registration is required to or contact 1 413-585-8010 or