November 3, 2024 all-day

Best-Buddies-program-for-Families-with-Disabilities-in-Springfield-MassachusettsSpringfield, MA, November 3rd, 2024, with the Springfield JCC. Free. The Longmeadow chapter of Best Buddies, presented by the Kehillah Department of the Springfield JCC in conjunction with Longmeadow High School, is a group of individuals from around the Pioneer Valley that meets once a month to foster friendships between teens and young adults with and without intellectual or developmental disabilities.
* To learn more about Best Buddies, contact Dorothy Linder, Kehillah Director.
Register to www.springfieldjcc.org/events/2024/11/03/kehillah/best-buddies-monthly-meet-up-november-3-2024/ or contact Dorothy Linder , DLinder@SpringfieldJCC.org, 413-739-4715       

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